Science Summary for 4 December 2015

Post-frontal Convection Over the Ocean and Mountains

Prepared by
  Robert A. Houze, Jr.
with contributions from
Lynn McMurdie, Joe Zagrodnik, George Duffey, Steve Durden, and Aaron Funk

The dates start at 0000 UTC.
This report may be updated as new information becomes available.
Data discussed here were compiled in near real time and have not yet been quality controlled.
Updated reports can be found at http://olympex.atmos.washington.edu/index.html?x=Science_Summaries

During this 24 h period, the post-frontal portion of the system observed yesterday continued to pass over the region. In the middle of this period, the three OLYMPEX aircraft sampled the post-frontal convection in coordinated flight patterns over both the ocean and mountains. Before and after the aircraft sampling period, the OLYMPEX radars and ground sites continuously observed the evolving pattern of post-frontal convection until the end of the 24 h period. The largest precipitation accumulations were in the Quinault Valley (Figure 1). Precipitation was accumulating over the region during the entire period (top row of Figure 2). The drop sizes (middle row of Figure 2) were generally small except around 1000 UTC when a deeper mesoscale post-frontal band was passing over the sites (see satellite discussion below). The characteristics of the drop size distributions was similar down-valley (Fishery) and up-valley (Bishop/CRN). Near the end of the 24 h period and at beginning of 5 December graupel showers occurred (note the fall speed > 10 m/s in bottom panel of Figure 2).  

The post-frontal convection was occurring as the cold air in the trough at 500 hPa and 850 hPa was passing over the OLYMPEX area (left and middle panels of Figure 3). The surface flow was westerly, and the low-level temperature gradient was slight (right panel of Figure 3). The soundings at NPOL during the time of the aircraft missions (Figure 4) showed instability below 600 hPa (~4 km).

Combined infrared satellite imagery and NEXRAD radar echoes show the progression of the post-frontal pattern (Figure 5). At 1000 UTC a mesoscale post-frontal rainband was over the Olympic Mountains. The dropsize distributions at about 1000 UTC showed a broader distribution with relatively more large drops compared to small drops, consistent, as we have seen in other summaries, with the deeper layer of clouds and more drops coming from the melting of ice particles. Synoptic analysis (not shown) suggests a vorticity maximum at 500 hPa and hence a deeper layer of general lifting at this time may have been responsible for the mesoscale rainband. After 1000 UTC the broad upper cloud layer was gone and the cloud pattern had a showery appearance in the satellite imagery for the rest of the 24 h period. The 1300 UTC image shows the post-frontal convection coalesced into a mesoscale north-south band. The aircraft missions sampled this band intensively.

Figure 6 shows the aircraft tracks at two times. At the first time, the aircraft were sampling the aforementioned mesoscale cloud band while it was over the ocean and approaching the NPOL radar. The reflectivity and particle identification RHIs at the first time show a moderately intense convective element with S-band echo extending up to about 8 km. The echo was ~20 km in width and its top was forming an anvil. The particle identification shows a column of graupel up to about 6 km. At the second time shown in Figure 6, the aircraft were sampling the convective band while it was over land and moving away from the radar toward the Quinault Valley. The RHIs show that at this time the band had aged into a stratiform structure. When the DC8 intercepted the three wavelength bands showed the deep convective element in three views, which will allow multi-frequency analysis of the echo (left column of Figure 7). It also saw the band after it had evolved into stratiform structure (middle column of Figure 7). During the later part of the aircraft sampling period, the three aircraft observed shallower convection over both land and ocean (right column of Figure 7). The aircraft intensively sampled the rainband and other convection over the DOW radar (Figure 8).

Figure 9 shows the progression of post-frontal convective activity over the Quinault Valley as seen by the DOW radar. Much of the time the convection seen by the DOW was patchy and less than ~ 5 km in height (first two rows of Figure 9). When the rainband seen earlier over the ocean passed over the DOW sector, it had a stratiform appearance, with the bright band tilting down over the sloping terrain in response to orographic lifting (third row of Figure 9). From 1500 UTC onward, convective cells continued to form in the DOW sector. Mostly, they were small and shallow but moderately intense (rows four, five and six of Figure 9). In the last few hours of 4 December and the first 2-3 hours of 5 December, relatively strong graupel and rain showers occurred, continually regenerating in the lower valley and advecting up-valley producing a layer of snow over the terrain (row seven of Figure 9). The post-frontal convection over the mountains at this time could be seen in the NEXRAD/satellite overlay (Figure 10). Noted by red circles are the most intense convective cells, which were in the general vicinity of the Quinault Valley and DOW radar. Figure 11 is a photo taken at the DOW of one of the showers during this period. Duting this time, there was strong down-valley flow at low levels overridden by cross-barrier flow above (Figure 12). A video taken by Aaron Funk at the DOW site illustrates the shear with low clouds moving down-valley and other cloud traveling up-valley. The video also shows the water flowing down-valley and a graupel shower.

Figure 1.  Precipitation accumulation on 4 December 2015.

Figure 2.  Precipitation details at the Wynoochee, Bishop/CRN, and Amanda Park sites on 4 December 2015.

Figure 3. Synoptic conditions at 1200 UTC on 4 December 2015.

Figure 4.  Soundings at the NPOL site on 4 December 2015.

Figure 5.  Infrared satellite imagery with superimposed Langley and Camano radar data on 4 December 2015.

Figure 6.  Aircraft flight tracks superimposed on NPOL radar reflectivity at about 1330 and 1520 UTC 4 December 2015. DC8 track is cyan, ER2 orange, Citation green. RHIs of dBZ and particle identification are along the yellow line in the corresponding PPI. Note upper example shows RHIs over the ocean; the lower example shows RHIs directed over the Quinault Valley.


Figure 7.  APR2 radar data collected aboard the DC8 on 4 December 2015. Left and right panels are over the ocean, middle panel over the Quinault Valley.

Figure 8.  Flight tracks and DOW radar reflectivity on 4 December 2015. DC8 track is cyan, ER2 orange, Citation green.

Figure 9.  DOW radar RHIs of dBZ (left) and ZDR (right) on 4 December 2015.

Figure 10.  NEXRAD radar data superimposed on atellite infrared images. Red circle points out the region of most intense echo, which was in the vicinity of the Quinault Valley at these times on 4 December 2015.

Figure 11.  Shower over the Quinault Valley at 2144 UTC 4 December 2015. Photo by Aaron Funk.

Figure 12.  RHIs of radial velocity seen by the DOW radar on 4 December 2015