
OLYMPEX: A NASA/GPM Ground Validation Field Campaign in the Pacific Northwest


Monday, 18 November 2013, Morning

08:30 Overview of GPM and OLYMPEX - Session Chair Bob Houze

08:30 - Opening Remarks & Introductions - Bob Houze
08:40 - GPM Goals - Gail Jackson
09:00 - GV principles and time frame for OLYMPEX - Walt Petersen
09:15 - Programmatic concerns and issues - Matt Schwaller
09:30 - Overview and objectives of OLYMPEX - Bob Houze
10:00 - Discussion

10:30 Coffee Available

10:30 Overview of OLYMPEX venue - Session Chair Lynn McMurdie

Climatology - Lynn McMurdie
Suitability for addressing OLYMPEX goals
Existing instrumentation
Site surveys (with help from Cifelli/Petersen)

11:30 Discussion existing venue & identification gaps - Session Chair Lynn McMurdie

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

Monday, 18 November 2013, Afternoon

1:00 Regional Agencies - Session Chair Lynn McMurdie

1:00 - National Park Service - Bill Baccus
1:30 - Natural Resources Conservation Service - Scott Pattee/Melissa Webb -- see above presentation
1:45 - Quinault Nation - Dave Bingaman/Lynn McMurdie - remote conversation
1:55 - National Weather Service - Kirby Cook - remote conversation
2:00 - Discussion

2:15 NASA Infrastructure to be added to existing OLYMPEX venue

2:15 - Rain Gauges, Radar, Snow, Aircraft - Walt Petersen

3:00 Coffee Available

3:00 Other Possible US and Canadian Agencies Involvement - Session Chair Robert Houze

3:00 - NOAA - Cifelli
3:15 - NCAR - Thompson
3:30 - Other potential NASA programs (ACE) - Mace/Marchand
3:45 - Other potential NASA programs (EV-2) - Braun
4:00 - California - Ralph
4:15 - Canadian Involvement - Hudak/Milbrant 4:15 - Canadian Involvement cont. - Kirshbaum/Theriault
4:45 - NSF - Geerts/Yuter/Colle
5:00 - DOE - Leung

Evening, Group Dinner (Ivar's Salmon House)

Tuesday, 19 November 2013, Morning

8:30 Ground network design: Critical instruments and platforms - Session Chair Bob Houze

8:30 - Radars - Rutledge, Kirshbaum, or Kollias, Yuter, Cifelli

Contribution to OLYMPEX objectives
Scanning & vertically pointing
Siting considerations Potential sites for all radars

9:30 - Rain Gauges - Session Chairs McMurdie

Essential Sites - Chehalis - Lettenmaier
Types of Gauges

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 - Snow Measurements - Rasmussen

10:45 - Snow Measurements - Lundquist

Types of Measurements
Essential Sites

Tuesday, 19 November 2013, Afternoon

1:00 Modeling component - UW forecasting infrastructure available to the project

1:00 - UW real-time WRF system - Cliff Mass
1:15 - UW Hydrological model & coupling with WRF - Lettenmeier or Lundquist

1:30 Aircraft Observations - Session Chair Robert Houze

1:30 - GPM/GV aircraft - Jensen, A. Heymsfield

DC-8 (radar, passive microwave, dropsondes?)
Citation (microphysics)

1:45 - ER2 - Marchand, Mace 2:00 - Global Hawk - Braun
2:15 - King Air - Geerts/Yuter
2:30 - G1 - Leung
2:45 - Other - Thompson (presented on Monday)

3:00 Coffee Available

3:00 - Potential a/c flight tracks and staging

4:00 Operations Center - Discussion led by Bob Houze

What decisions need to be made in real-time? Where located?
How many people?
What infrastructure?

Wednesday, 20 November 2013, Morning

08:30 Website Development - Stacy Brodzik

Pre-field support Field operations
Data acquisition

09:00 Data Policy and plan - Bob Houze

09:30 Open discussion - Bob Houze

10:30 Coffee Available

Action items - Bob Houze

Instruments to be acquired Soundings and dropsondes
Platforms to be acquired
Site locations for final data network
Data flow
Logistics - power, site maintenance, data
Flight tracks and flight coordination
Science plan
Next meeting

12:00 Adjourn

Rapporteurs: Brodzik, Rasmussen, Rowe, Zuluaga